I just received in the mail my copy of Traders at Work: How the World’s Most Successful Traders Make Their Living in the Markets.
And I’m very proud to be Chapter 10!
The number of trading books I’ve read over the years must exceed 200 by now, but among them my favorites have always been interview-style. Jack Schwager’s Market Wizards series has been the most popular, and I’ve loved reading those books repeatedly over the years to gain (and be reminded of) insights from highly successful traders.
In Traders at Work, there are 16 chapters of interviews (including one with Market Wizard Linda Raschke). Thanks to Tim Bourquin for the invitation to be a part of this. It’s an absolute honor to be included in this book, and I know you’ll learn a lot from it.
In my interview in Chapter 10, you’ll learn about my early exposure to the markets, my progression as a trader, my strengths & weaknesses, what I’m working to improve right now, and much more.
There are many great traders included in this book and I’m excited to dive in and absorb what they have to say. This is mandatory trader reading!
Pick up a copy today, it’ll be the best $13 you ever spent. Mark it up with a highlighter, underline parts which stand out, take notes in the margin, and keep it handy because it’s full of great info you’ll want to read again.
Trade Like a Bandit!
Jeff White
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