Chart patterns are essential when trading the stock market by technical analysis. Chart pattern recognition is important in evaluating trading conditions and determining a trading method for the market. In order to find chart patterns, one must have a good source of data which allows screening stock market charts and individual stock charts with ease.
The Stock Bandit recommends getting a charting program which enables you to build watch lists, draw trendlines, and add indicators with ease. Only with such a program will a trader be able to monitor his trading ideas and learn to effectively anticipate market moves with chart patterns. The Stock Bandit uses TC2000 each night and on an intraday basis for charting purposes, and you can use the same product. Delayed data or real-time data are each offered. Click below for details on how to get a trial to this software.
For additional information on how to go about screening for chart patterns each night, please visit Understanding Chart Patterns and read how The Stock Bandit finds trading and stock newsletter candidates.