The Hit List is a look at our current swing trading positions. Stocks we are already in have “triggered”, while those we are considering for plays have not triggered. Click post title to view print-friendly link.
Open Position Notes:
KIM spent another day in its consolidation zone after yesterday’s breakout failure sent the stock right back beneath resistance. Today the stock lost a little ground, but volume decreased once again and my stop isn’t far from here. I’m going to stick with it for now, but would prefer to see this one make another attempt at an upside move. So far, it’s not impressing me.
NAV triggered a buy today as it nudged past resistance, but by the closing bell it had slipped back beneath the $41.40 key level by a few cents. Volume didn’t help, as it was light, and that’s the fuel for a breakout. I’ve tightened my stop to just beneath today’s low in case the failed breakout brings a reversal, but otherwise I do still like this setup and will see what happens Friday.
Closed Positions:
No closed positions.
Thought I’d point out this stock. Ticker is PNCL making a breakout thru resistance from an ascending triangle pattern. Support at $7.10
Hey Tom,
Thanks for sharing this setup, looks like an important breakout is underway with today’s surge in price and volume spike to go along with it. Good eye!