The Hit List is a look at our current swing trading positions. Stocks we are already in have “triggered”, while those we are considering for plays have not triggered.
GDP triggered, YONG added
Open Position Notes:
GET continues to narrow in its price action, refusing to commit to a move in either direction. I’m staying patient with this one while waiting to see if it will head lower or not. My stop is in place just in case.
GDP triggered a buy today as it crossed above resistance at $30.50 and initially headed higher. The strength quickly dissipated though, and the stock settled into a trading range for a while, staying close to the breakout area. Today’s lack of follow through isn’t yet a concern, though I’d of course rather have seen a big pop. For now, I’m going to stick with the trade and see what the coming days bring, and I’ll leave my stop as-is for now after seeing it validated with today’s low.
Closed Positions:
No closed positions.
Hi Jeff,
On your possible swing trade on YONG how do you determine your target prices?
Hey Tom,
For the first target on YONG, I took the height of the current consolidation which is about $0.80. This is conservative, but I felt appropriate for a brand new stock with little history to go on. For the 2nd target, I took a similar size of move from the last time the stock broke out by clearing the early October high.
Hope this helps!
Jeff. Can you tell me the software and other information you are using on your trading station. I need to set something up and would like to use a 4 monitor system. thanks alot Ron
Morning Ron,
Glad to see you here and hope you are doing well!
My trading station is a Dell Precision T3400 with a Quad Core CPU. I am running XP Pro with 3GB of RAM. The 4-monitor setup is achieved with 2 Nvidia Quadro FX570 cards. The monitors are Dell and are attached to an Atdec Quad stand.
So there’s the rundown. I have a backup PC with the same setup (dual monitors) just in case. XP Pro has always been stable, which is why I am still on that operating system. Hope this helps, and if I can shed more light on it just let me know!
Hi Team,
I’m also running Windows XP for its reliability. I’m using a two monitor system plus a laptop. I use the laptop to run internet news sites, blogs, and social networks. The laptop also acts a backup. This setup has worked well for me.
thanks alot for the information on set ups. Jeff are you also running worden stock finder premium version? thats it I will not bug you anymore on the small stuff. Really enjoy your site. Now I just have to dial things in and get with the program. thanks again Ron
Hey Ron,
Yes I am running StockFinder Platinum, it is great. And don’t feel like you’re bugging anyone with this kind of stuff, it’s just as important to discuss here and I’m glad you brought it up. Our trading stations are our gateways to the market, so to spend some time discussing them is time well-spent!
Thanks again for your comments and keep ’em coming!