The Hit List is a look at our current swing trading positions. Stocks we are already in have “triggered”, while those we are considering for plays have not triggered. Click post title to view print-friendly link.
PXP & SLB added
Open Position Notes:
No open positions – 100% cash waiting for new entries to trigger.
Closed Positions:
No closed positions.
Signed up this morning,and got your list.Weren’t we supposed to buy pot at 47.75,and usg at 13.7?Thanks.
Hey Paul, glad to have you here. POT and USG were listed for day trades for Thursday’s session but POT gapped through (no trigger as per my day trading strategy) and USG will be covered in the recap video this weekend. I prefer to have the nightly video looking ahead for tomorrow’s setups, and cover the trades taken in a recap format.
Hope this helps to clarify!